
Software Solutions

At aKubica Process Automation, we take pride in creating innovative solutions designed to meet the unique needs of businesses in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. One such innovation is ATIX, a comprehensive platform developed to redefine how organizations manage and scale their digital operations.

ATIX is more than just a software solution—it’s a reflection of aKubica’s commitment to combining deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology. The platform facilitates seamless ticket management, efficient resource allocation, and real-time data tracking, empowering businesses to streamline processes, enhance efficiency, and achieve their strategic goals with confidence. 

Trabajador Digital vs Trabajador Humano - RPA aKúbica

Through ATIX, aKubica continues to demonstrate its expertise in delivering solutions that not only meet the challenges of today but also anticipate the needs of tomorrow. By leveraging this platform, businesses can unlock new levels of performance and innovation, ensuring they remain competitive in an ever-changing market. For more information, visit atix.digital.

Empowering Sustainability with Atix Digital

Atix Digital helps businesses optimize resources, reduce waste, and lower their environmental footprint. Together, we transform innovation into a greener, more sustainable future.

At Atix Digital, we are ready to understand your challenges in optimizing resource management and driving sustainability.

Our tailored solutions empower businesses to reduce waste, enhance efficiency, and achieve their environmental goals. Let us be your trusted nearshore partner, helping you focus on your strengths while building a more sustainable future.


Our team is eagerly awaiting to work with you.